Resources & Education

At GSGSR, we are committed to education of and about the German Shepherd Dog.

We have compiled some information below about the German Shepherd Dog that we hope you will find useful. We also have a listing of local trainers, veterinarians, and boarding kennels that we recommend to help you to care for your German Shepherd.

  • About the German Shepherd Dog (GSD)If you are thinking about adopting a German Shepherd Dog, there is some important information in these articles, for both before and after you bring your dog home.
  • Training ArticlesHave questions about how to train your dog? Having problems with chewing or housetraining or something else? Look here for information and suggestions.
  • Health, Nutrition, & Pet LossWe have compiled some information about health issues relevant to German Shepherds, what to feed your dog, and coping with the loss of a pet.
  • Books & DVDsShop for books and DVDs - affiliate revenues go towards helping the dogs at GSGSR.
  • Trainers, Veterinarians, & Boarding KennelsNeed to find a trainer, veterinarian, or boarding kennel in your area to help you with the training and care of your German Shepherd? Here are our suggestions.
  • Dog Activities and EventsThese websites are listed to help you find activities and events for and about dogs.

Disclaimer: If your dog is exhibiting aggression towards humans or other dogs, you should consult a professional experienced with the behavior your dog is exhibiting. Likewise, you should consult a veterinarian for any health or nutrition issues your dog may have. Golden State German Shepherd Rescue does not make any representation or claims regarding the information appearing in the articles, books, DVDs, websites or the like above; they are provided as a courtesy.