Maylene (Skye)

Sm. Dogs
Lg. Dogs

Female 7.9 years

Adopted Added April 14, 2021

Maylene is a lady in every sense of the word; she's calm, engaging, playful, and easy to work with.  She loves human company, she's calm around other dogs, and just look at that smile!

Maylene was found in the city of Lodi, apparently abandoned by her previous owner.  When Animal Control showed up she quietly and enthusiastically jumped into the officer's truck without a fuss.  While at the shelter, they tell us she was the perfect pup.  This bodes well for her character, as shelters can be challenging environments, even for the best of pups.

She is friendly and engaging with her handler, usually staying close to her handler's side..  She loves playing with toys but is no retriever!  She has minimal obedience training but knows the commands "sit" and "shake".  She appears comfortable riding in a crate.  This is a bonus, as crate training can be challenging if a dog has never experienced it before.

Around other dogs, both large and small, she seems relaxed and friendly; even when faced with a snapping Terrier she just turned and walked away.  At this point we're not sure how she reacts around cats.

Maylene would make a wonderful companion for an active couple, young or old, who enjoys walking or hiking.  

Sm. Dogs
Lg. Dogs

We can help more dogs if we have more volunteers. If you can help in any way, please contact us.

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