
Sm. Dogs
Lg. Dogs

Female 5 years Level 3.0

Adopted Added March 31, 2021

Azzera is a beautiful female with lots of energy.  She is friendly with people and is good with other dogs when properly introduced.  At a little under a year old, she looks to be bred from show lines and has a beautiful stance in case you are one that is interested in confirmation shows.

She travels well in the car with or without a crate.  She is very quiet and rarely barks so she shouldn't bother the neighbors.  She likes to chase a ball. and bringing it back is fun to but she is not sure what to do with it when returning.

When introduced to some rabbits, she just watched quietly with no quick moves or chasing, and then casually walked away.  This suggests that her personality is stable, and a good indication that she would do well with cats or other animals.  She sleeps well in or out of a crate.  She will lay beside the bed until it’s time for whatever your day presents.

Like so many of our rescue dogs, she needs basic obedience training.  We have started that process and she now can do a "sit" on command. Continued training is needed to bring out her full potential.  Its also a great form of mental stimulation that shepherds need.  It appears that she had an accident at one time, as she is missing a couple of toes on one of her paws, but that doesn't slow her a bit.

Azzera's ultimate forever family would be an active one that will engage her in different activities.  She's a real cutie and will brighten the home of the right family.

Sm. Dogs
Lg. Dogs

We can help more dogs if we have more volunteers. If you can help in any way, please contact us.

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