Molly 2020
Female 5.2 years Level 4.0
Adopted Added May 13, 2020
The majority of the time we are not sure how dogs get injured or what their life was like before coming to us. What we do know is what their life is like after coming to us and after we help them on the road to recovery. This is the case for Miss Molly (we should really call her the "Unsinkable Molly Brown"). We received a call from one of the shelters that we work with that a 4 month old female came in with a ruptured diaphragm and a broken leg. They asked if we could help, so the phone calls begin, will our vets be able to help, do we have a foster home, do we have the money to cover the surgery, etc. Day one after call was received the Vet at the Shelter repaired her ruptured diaphragm, day two she was in her first foster home, four days later she was having major surgery again to repair the leg and put it back into place on day 6 she arrived at her second foster home that will complete her rehab therapy and get her ready for her forever home.
I would like to introduce everyone to Miss Molly the "unsinkable". Through her injury, her moving to new homes, her surgeries, she is still a happy, sweet and well- mannered pup. Molly wants to be loved and even though she is small she has a huge amount of love to give back. Miss Molly looks to be more Belgium Malinois than a German Shepherd. She is friendly and outgoing and despite her injury she was ready to play ball right before her surgery.
Molly is smart and learns things quickly. She will be in her foster rehab home for several weeks and her ideal home will be one that has had German Shepherd experience. At this time we do not know the total outcome of her recovery, however her surgeon said she should be good as new if not better.
Keep an eye on her through our social media and how she is getting along, please send some thoughts and prayers her way she could use all the well wishes!!
We can help more dogs if we have more volunteers. If you can help in any way, please contact us.