
Sm. Dogs
Lg. Dogs

Male 18.2 years

Adopted Added July 17, 2010


See Monte in his two videos, playing fetch and bringing his toy back.

Monte is about 3-4 years old.  This sweet dog is a favorite of his foster home and with people he has met.   He is always so glad to see his family come home, he always smiles and his tail wags his body!    Monte has eyes that will melt you and he charms everyone who sees him.   Monte is mostly GSD with a touch of some other breed.  We think either hound or maybe Lab?   Monte is fine with other dogs, meets all dogs well but he does not like to share his "beloved" ball/toys with other dogs.   Monte LOVES to play ball and is extremely gentle with people.  He will bring the ball back, drop it quietly at your feet, and gently step back so you can toss it again, see him play in his videos above.   Monte is not at all destructive, he is housebroken and crate trained.  In addition to this, he is good with cats!   Monte knows basic obedience, and is easy to walk on a leash.  He only has a few requests:   a home with kids over 12 yrs (he is  large), primarily a house dog (he is afraid of loud noises outside), and he should either be an only dog or with a submissive/easy female dog  (possibly an older dog that has no interest in taking his toys).   Monte would love to lay by your feet while you watch TV or work at the computer.  He is a happy, solid dog, not fearful, and loving toward people.  He should go to someone who has had large dogs before.   He has no medical issues that we know of.

Sm. Dogs
Lg. Dogs

We can help more dogs if we have more volunteers. If you can help in any way, please contact us.

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